How to find a gps tracker device on your car ?

Determining the prevalence of individuals using covert GPS tracker devices to stalk or monitor their victims remains challenging. However, the US Department of Justice’s initial release of criminal stalking data on January 13, 2015, shed light on this issue for the first time.

According to the findings, stalkers utilized technological surveillance in approximately 1 out of every 13 cases. Additionally, nearly one-third of victims reported being incessantly followed by their stalker.

Since the publication of the DOJ’s study, many experts speculate that the practice of tracking victims’ whereabouts has only escalated. Have you encountered such a situation? Are you concerned about unidentified individuals surveilling your vehicle with a GPS tracker? If so, this post aims to provide you with guidance on resolving this uncertainty.

How Can I Identify the Individual Responsible for Installing a GPS Tracker on My Vehicle?

The initial step in identifying the owner of a GPS car tracker is determining whether it operates passively or in real-time. Uncovering the purchaser of a passive GPS tracker can be challenging since these devices often lack membership requirements and serial numbers.

However, the majority of individuals opt for real-time GPS trackers, which necessitate cellular network transmission and monthly subscription payments. As a result, the owner must maintain a valid credit card for monthly charges. Furthermore, most real-time trackers possess serial numbers that facilitate activation by the manufacturer, enabling you to trace the device’s installation.

Once you’ve removed the tracker and confirmed its real-time functionality via the serial number, the subsequent step involves identifying its manufacturer. This may entail conducting some research.

Begin by searching for similar products on platforms like Amazon, where many consumers purchase such items. By identifying the brand of the tracker, you can contact the manufacturer or relevant resellers for assistance.

Upon obtaining the tracker’s brand information, reach out to the manufacturer and provide the device’s serial number. This inquiry can help you:

  1. Promptly terminate the service.
  2. Obtain the billing or shipping address of the individual who purchased the tracker.

With this information, you can ascertain the individual responsible for installing the GPS tracker on your vehicle.

4 Straightforward Steps to Identify the Installer of a GPS Tracker on Your Car:

  1. Check the tracker’s serial number.
  2. Research the tracker’s brand online.
  3. Contact the manufacturer or authorized resellers.
  4. Provide the serial number to the manufacturer and request information regarding the purchaser.

Final Considerations: What to Do If You Suspect You’re Being Tracked? While the prevalence of GPS tracking for illicit purposes is a concern, instances of being surveilled without consent are relatively rare. However, if you suspect unauthorized tracking, it’s crucial to take appropriate action.

Utilize the steps outlined in this post to investigate your vehicle for GPS trackers. If you believe you’re being monitored unlawfully, promptly contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance.

How Can I Determine If My Vehicle Is Being Tracked?

A simple method is to inspect your car for any suspicious devices. Place a mat beneath your vehicle and visually examine the underside using a flashlight. Look for unfamiliar objects such as small boxes, taped items, or mini antennas. Anything that appears out of place warrants further investigation.

Can GPS Trackers Be Installed Without Detection?

Currently, using a GPS tracking device without authorization is generally legal only if you own the vehicle or asset being tracked. If you suspect unauthorized tracking, it’s advisable to consult legal experts for guidance.

How Can I Disable a GPS Tracker on My Car?

You can employ a GPS blocker to thwart tracking attempts. Select a suitable blocker and plug it into your car’s cigarette lighter. This will activate the blocker, rendering you invisible to GPS monitoring systems. Alternatively, deactivate the tracker when not in use.

Is There an App That Detects GPS Trackers?

Tracker Detect provides Android users with the ability to scan for AirTags or supported Find My-enabled item trackers that may be unknowingly traveling with them. However, reviews for the app have been largely negative since its recent launch.

What Occurs When You Remove a Car Tracker?

Upon removal, the unit typically sends an alert to the management app, enabling fleet managers to track the vehicle and take appropriate action.

Does a GPS Tracker Require Power?

Like hardwired systems, Plug and Play GPS trackers draw power from your vehicle’s electrical system, eliminating the need for batteries.

What Is the Lifespan of a Wireless GPS Tracker? Manufacturers design wireless GPS trackers with an average service life of approximately three years, catering to industry needs and typical usage patterns. However, improper use or high-frequency usage may shorten the device’s lifespan.


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